Mr. Niels Haderup Kristensen, MBA is international expert in the UNDP/British Government project “Bridging the Skills Gap to Create New and Better Jobs”. His background is 30+ years of experience in post-secondary and vocational education and training, on a national and international level. He has on several occasions assisted governments in the Balkan countries as expert in VET and adult education reform, through Europeaid, European Training Foundation (ETF), International Labour Office (ILO), Kreditanstalt für Weiteraufbau (KfW) and UNDP funded programs, such as in Kosovo, Croatia, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Mr. Kristensen has 20 years of experience as lecturer, head of department and member of the executive management of a Danish Regional VET Centre, has lead the concept development and implementation of Multifunctional Regional VET Centers in Albania from 2016-2018 and has on many occasions undertaken international research e.g for ETF, ILO and KfW in various aspects of VET reform.